Legal, Regulatory, Insurance, and Tax Support
A high level of industry awareness and technical expertise provides Stancil & Co. consultants with the ability to address issues requiring expert opinions such as typical industry practices, accepted standards, business interruption costs, regulatory compliance issues, and fair market valuations.
Stancil & Co. is regularly called upon to participate in various venues such as:
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
- State and federal courts
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Arbitration proceedings
- Assessment review board proceedings
- Audit and tax reviews.
Our consultants render opinions and give testimony on a wide range of issues including:
- Rate case hearings
- Disputes regarding asset sales
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Contract audits and interpretations
- Feedstock and product quality issues
- Transportation cost disputes
- Classification of hydrocarbons
- Fair market value of energy industry assets
- Business interruption losses
- Facility replacement costs.
Our consultants have also participated in industrial accident investigations, including the insurance claim process and subsequent litigation. These tasks involve assistance in determining the cause of an accident, the potential liability, the extent of property damage, the cost to rebuild or repair the facilities, and the cost of business interruption. Our technical expertise and understanding of the economics of the hydrocarbon process industries make us particularly well suited for these types of assignments.
Clean Fuel Initiative
- Served as a member of the Governor of Arizona’s Air Quality Task Force Clean Burning Fuels Subcommittee evaluating fuel impact on Phoenix air pollution
- Obtained “hardship designation” for East Coast refiner resulting in extended compliance schedule for low sulfur gasoline
- Obtained low sulfur diesel “lead time waiver” for refiner acquiring assets
- Represented refiner in notice of violation discussions/settlement with the EPA
- Obtained gasoline and diesel “small refiner” status for inland refiner acquiring assets
- Obtained Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT2) baseline adjustment for the West Coast that allowed higher production of CARB gasoline
- Obtained “hardship designation” for inland refiner resulting in extended compliance schedule for low sulfur diesel.
Refining Tax Issues
Stancil has advised clients on classification and certification of expenditures under specific IRS regulations, including the Small Refiner Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Tax Credit, refinery expansion projects as specified under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and classification of Turnaround and Maintenance Expenses versus Capital.
Bankruptcy Workouts
Served as technical advisors to debtors and lenders in a number of bankruptcy cases. Assisted debtors-in-possession by redeveloping their business plans and by negotiating contracts to continue processing. Assisted lenders by providing valuations of assets, critiquing business plans, and monitoring and recommending improvements to operations.
Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) Alaskan North Slope (ANS) Quality Bank
Provided expert testimony to FERC and the Regulatory Commission of Alaska regarding the pricing mechanism for ANS crude being delivered into and out of TAPS.
Loss and Quality Claims
Assisted clients with investigation, preparation of insurance claim, or resolution of a contract dispute related to oil losses and product quality. Provided expert testimony on the events leading to refinery damages and the associated level of losses.
Performance Arbitration
Successfully assisted a client as an expert witness in a binding arbitration case to recover monetary damages resulting from the failure of a distillate hydrotreating unit to achieve performance guarantees.